The path home started with an evening in Sydney, taking in the amazing annual Vivid festival. The city is all lit up for 3 weeks. My friend Cliff and I walked over the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which neither of us had done for decades, after a bit of wandering the streets in the historic Rocks district. Then on to the Swedenborg Centre for a pizza/discussion/farewell event.
Official Vivid sign Display in the CBD Cafe lit up in the Rocks The other side of the Bridge was lit up Vivid Circular Quay Vivid Rocks Magical Circular Quay under the influence of Vivid
Near the end of that long flight from Sydney to LA, the captain announced our flight path had been altered due to a rocket being launched. The people on the other side of the plane could see it. Never heard of that before! When he started talking about a rocket, I’ll admit I had a flash of fear that it was coming towards us. But all was well!

My last stop was Denver, Colorado where I visited my brother Jon, sister-in-law Lucie, nephew Brock whose high school graduation I had just missed, niece Ava who will one day be President of the USA, and canine nephew Moose. The snow-capped Rockies are an ever present and majestic backdrop.
As usual, I had the joy of going on a run/walk with Moose on the bluff near their home, until he got too hot, lay down in the shade and refused to get up until Jon came to rescue us. The next day I twisted my knee while playing too energetically with him, so that was the end of run/walking. I suspect he deliberately tripped me up to prevent any further heat exhaustion! We also enjoyed a family dinner with Lucie’s parents who are always a joy to be around. Then onwards to home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for a joyful reunion with my family.