SA Rellies

For those who need a translation of the title of this post, it means “Relatives in South Australia.” I’ve been traveling around SA visiting my Brock relatives, who are on my Mum’s side of the family. Some of them are members/associates of the Adelaide Christian New Church, but either their health or distance keeps than from attending. My Grandpa Rev. Doug Brock was the minister in the Adelaide church from 1931 – 1954, and then helped out in his retirement.

Uncle Ian Brock was hospitalised briefly while I was in Adelaide – all is well thankfully!

Lovely Auntie Shirley, married to Ian

My little hired Toyota Yaris got bogged down in the sandy driveway on cousin Garry Brock’s amazing off-grid compound on Hindmarch Island

Dot and Derrick (?) were visiting Brooke and Garry when I arrived. Coincidentally, Dot works with Sasha Brock, whose baby is pictured below. Garry has built every structure on his property, all powered by solar batteries, with well water. This is Brooke and Garry’s open air lounge/living room but it can be enclosed with a huge garage-type door if necessary.

Garry has recently built this vintage-style racing car

The welcome sign out at the road outside Garry’s place.

Baby Zoe was born the same day as my grandson Skyler, and they look alike as well. Twin cousins! Her Dad Jarrad Brock is partially in the photo. He’s my cousin David’s son.

Bro Stephen and Soula and I went out to dinner at an elegant Indian restaurant, not really named after my dog. I think it means “sun.”

Another night we met for drinks at the Warradale Hotel where Stephen has sometimes performed
Rev. David and Mandy Millar aren’t actually rellies, but they feel like family

Grandpa Brock is in the lower right corner. Rev. Percy Billings, top left of this photo, has several descendants in the clergy of the Swedenborgian Church of North America.    

The road trip at the end of my stay in Adelaide (covered in another post) started with visiting my rellies in Tintinara, SA. Cousin Christine was up for a long weekend to help her Mum out. Life has been a bit complicated for Uncle Frank and Auntie Claire since Frank fell at home and has ended up as a resident in an Aged Care unit.

Uncle Frank has been a sheep and dairy farmer, as well developing other agriculture related businesses, for his whole adult life in Tintinara. Currently his farm is being managed by someone else, since my cousin David no longer is involved in running it.

David and Bernie Brock live in the original farmhouse, with chickens AKA chooks, budgerigars AKA budgies, cats, dog, probably other animals too.

David, Christine and Claire after dinner

I love running on the track between the farm and the railway line. The farm and tree photos are from my morning run before I drove to the next town to see Frank.

Galah’s up in a tree. I heard cockatoos but couldn’t photograph them.

Behind the trees you can just make out the cattle.

Uncle Frank and his family have contributed so much to their community of the years that they named a street after them.

Keith District Hospital where Uncle frank is now a resident

Uncle Frank…

…in his new digs

…loving having visitors

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